Wednesday, May 6, 2020

John Locke An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, And...

I would like to begin by giving a little background on the philosopher John Locke. Locke was born on August 28, 1632 near the city of Pensford in England and was educated at Westminster School in London in 1647 . After extensive reading and learning Locke began writing a number of different philosophical treatises and essays from about 1680 through 1699 and then spent the rest of his life in quite reflection . The work of Locke’s that we will be looking at for the purpose this paper is his book, An Essay concerning Human Understanding, and more specifically chapter twenty one that discusses his notion of power. I would like to accomplish two things in this paper. First thing is to use this chapter and commentaries to explore when Locke states that power is when the mind, â€Å"informed by the senses,† is aware of and reflects on changes that are internal to the self and external to the object relating to the senses . Locke then continues that there are two ways to look at power, first is the power to make changes and second is the power to be a receiver of changes . This is Locke’s notion of power in a simplistic form that I agree with and I will attempt to simplify his complex arguments to make them a little more clear and direct. Second thing I would like to do is to bring to light some of Locke’s errors in the consideration of pleasure and pain according to motivation and morality of the will. Locke’s goal for happiness in life is to avoid pain and prolong pleasureShow MoreRelatedEssay on John Locke: Illuminating Path to Life, Liberty, and Property642 Words   |  3 Pagesprominent man by the name of Thomas Jefferson, were greatly influenced by the Enlightenment’s most profound philosopher, John Locke. Since the beginning of Enlightenment to the 21st century, Locke’s ideas have been behind countless innovators, philosophers, and politicians; including our very own Founding Fathers. 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