Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Front De Liberation Du Quebec - 1269 Words

Active since 1963, the Front de Liberation du Quebec’s (FLQ) violent actions in October 1970 cost Canadians citizens their rights and freedoms in an attempt to establish Quebec as a separate nation. Prior to Canada becoming a nation and to this date, Quebec has engaged in a tense relationship with English Canada and harbours longstanding resentments over language, religion and multiculturalism. Throughout the 1960’s, the province underwent profound change during the Quiet Revolution and Quebec nationalism soared. During this time, the FLQ organized several bombings and riots. The culmination of the FLQ’s actions in 1970 is referred to as the â€Å"October Crisis† which translated into the kidnapping of British Trade Commissioner James Cross and the murder of Quebec Labour Minister Pierre Laporte. The October Crisis also represents Canada’s only encounter with domestic terrorism and the third time the War Measures Act was invoked. The decision to invoke the War Measures Act was a controversial one made by Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau and Quebec Premier Robert Bourassa since it imposed national martial law. Upon examination of the FLQ’s actions during the October Crisis, the response from the federal government and the impact on Quebec nationalism and the rest of Canada, it is apparent that the government handled the October Crisis tactfully and was correct to invoke the War Measures Act. Through the FLQ’s violent history, the kidnapping of James Cross and the murder ofShow MoreRelatedThe Front De Liberation Du Quebec1853 Words   |  8 PagesThe Front de Liberation du Quebec was an extremist paramilitary organization, purposed with French-Canadian separatism, which officially operated from 1963 to 1970. Their primary goal was Quebec’s sovereignty from Canada. They were most prolific and media focused during the October Crisis, during which they executed Pierre Laporte and abducted James Richard Cross. These actions were accompanied by a media release by the FLQ, a manifesto. This proclamation highlighted the plights of Quebecers asRead MoreThe Front De Liberation Du Quebec2477 Words   |  10 PagesElliot Trudeau in response to the Front de liberation du Quebec (FLQ), a Marxist group who captained Quebec independence through indiscriminate political violence. His words are not those of an iron-fisted strongman, despite how strong and undetailed his comments were at the time, but those of a calculated and well-versed leader, whose decisions came at the behest of prominent Quebec politicians. The FLQ instilled a decade of social violence in the streets of Quebec by systemically championing theRead MoreFlq Essay1022 Words   |  5 PagesIn October 1970, Canada faced a pressing terrorist attack in Montreal, Quebec by a group known as the Front de Liberation du Quebec, or the FLQ for short. The group committed multiple attacks starting in 1963 that slowly escalated until the October Crisis, where they kidnapped two government officials and proceeded to murder one of them. The Canadian government responded harshly and rapidly. The prime minister of Canada, Pierre Trudeau, issued the War Measures Act which along with various thingsRead MoreOctober Crisis Essay1803 Words   |  8 Pagesnot a good representative of the French-Canadians, and it provided evidence that this event, focused on Quebec, is a â€Å"Canadian† issue. One propitious moment that made the October Crisis unforgettable was Trudeau’s wise decision to enable the War Measures Act which showed that Canada does not tolerate terrorism. The October Crisis was triggered by the abduction of government officials in Quebec, by FLQ members in October 1970. The War Measures Act (WMA) was a law that allowed the government to assumeRead MoreEssay on Internal Affairs and Canadas Previous Position on Terrorism575 Words   |  3 PagesInternal Affairs and Canadas Previous Position on Terrorism A terrorist Tunnel: Issues concerning Canadas borders and the present threat of International terrorism Preface From the FLQ (Front de Liberation du Quebec) crisis to the recent acts of terrorism by Singh Rayet and the Tiger group, terrorism has found a place in Canadian society. Because of this, in the last 50 years, Canada has developed several reactionary policies, and control/Prevention mechanisms to dealRead MoreThe Quebec Separatist Movement Of Canada1093 Words   |  5 Pagestheir own movement called the Quebec Separatist Movement. The movement was about Quebec’s independence from government. The movement involved the citizens of Quebec and a group called Front de Liberation du Quebec (FLQ). The Front de Liberation du Quebec had kidnapped people in Canada. The Quebec Separatist Movement began due to Quebec’s citizens ambition to become independent and was finally resolved by making a new constitution. The historical context of the Quebec Separatist movement includedRead MoreThe Movement Of Canada And The Quebec Separatist Movement902 Words   |  4 Pagesmid 1900s, Canada did their movement also it was called the Quebec Separatist Movement. The movement was about Quebec’s independence. The movement contained the Prime Minister and this group called Front de Liberation du Quebec. They had kidnapped most influential people in Canada. In the Quebec Separatist Movement, Quebec’s citizens ambition to become independent, the whole country became violent. The historical context of the Quebec Separatist movement includes The Quiet Revolution. The QuietRead MoreCanadian Politics: Renà © Là ©vesque 1083 Words   |  5 Pagesthe public and politicians alike set against each other, but soon a Quà ©bec man by the name of Renà © Là ©vesque entered journalism, and then politics, voicing his views for all to hear, with great success and vigour. Though obstacles presented themselves often in his life, he changed the views of Quà ©bec, Canada and the world as a whole. Renà © Là ©vesque was a passionate and charismatic politician who greatly contributed to post-war Quà ©bec and even today through his beliefs in separatism, founding the PartiRead MoreThe War Measures Act During The September Crisis1085 Words   |  5 Pagescontroversy on whether the act was justified. The October Crisis was a series of events in October 1970, these events began with the kidnappings of James Cross and later Pierre Laporte by the group known as the FLQ ( Front de libà ©ration du Quà ©bec) the group’s main goals were to create an independent Quebec.2 The group resorted to terrorist acts in order to achieve those goals, this later led to Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau invoking the War Measures Act. The War Measures Act was a federal statute adopted byRead MoreThe Quiet Revolution781 Words   |  4 Pagespaper is to analyze the aspects of The Quiet Revolution on Quebec, and how the changes implemented by Lesage made Quebec the province it is today. The Quiet Revolution was only quiet at name; it triggered many conflicts that appeared in Quebec. The province began to move away from Catholic Church with the help of nationalists, leaving Quebec reformed and quite different from how it was before the 1960’s. Before the Quiet Revolution, Quebec was majorly formed of rural population. They believed that

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