Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Second Language Advantages free essay sample

What are some important advantages to learning a second language and how can a second language be used By mob There are many different languages in the world, continent, and our country. Knowing a second language can give a person an edge in our multilingual world. This advantage could be used almost anywhere. These places include the work place, in a foreign province or country, and even in our schools. Today there are many Jobs and occupations that either require or would benefit from a second language. Even simple every day Jobs can profit from knowing a new engage.For example grocery clerks benefit from their knowledge of a second language by being able to help customers that do not no English and need help finding what they need. Taxi drivers also need to know numerous languages to communicate with the customer and to know the destination they intend to go. We will write a custom essay sample on Second Language Advantages or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page These are only two examples of speaking a different language and there are many more. In todays modern transportation age we are able to travel to other cities, countries and continents. This does create a problem because with traveling to different entries the languages you may travel to a country that does not speak your language.Knowing another language would help you find where you want to go, how to get there, and what you need. There are many languages In the world so next time you travel research what language that country speaks and learn a little Just enough to get your point across. Finally language In the schools. In school the most common use of the second language Is to use It In class. However there are other uses Including: If you want to say something private to a teacher or friend, find out want your teachers are talking bout, and for the really talented use It to write notes to your friends Oust make sure Its not a language the teacher knows).The other way to use your knowledge Is to do an exchange program. It Is a good way to fine true your verbal speech of the language and Is a great way to travel for free. Also some unlettered are requiring the knowledge of a second language to enter the facility. In closing a second language Is not something to laugh at or make fun of but to learn. A second language can open doors to you that were shut before. So get out there and learn.

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